One of the key philosophical approaches to the design process is content-first. It asserts that to create the best design for any given project, you must first determine what the content is. In a nutshell, content-first design is knowing what your design's objective is and how it will accomplish that goal before you begin developing. Doesn't that make sense? After all, an editorial designer doesn't start putting out a book until it's finished. An architect doesn't start sketching designs until he or she understands what the structure will be used for. The form must follow functions in both of these professions, and most websites achieve a function through content. Users, their needs, and the desired results of a website visit should all be considered when designing the website. It should concentrate on the user's needs and the website's potential to solve them. People force their material to fit within the template's available content blocks once they pu...
Tech Prastish Software Solutions Pvt Ltd is a leading custom software development company that has multi-skilled designers and developers for the following technologies and platforms - BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, PrestaShop, 3dcart. PHP, HTML 5.0, CSS 3.0, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Json, XML, REST and SOAP API services, Bootstrap, Swift, Angular.js, Node.js, React.js, MySQL, Yii. We build CRMs/ ERPs/ CMSs/ TMSs/ LMSs/ eCommerce portals/ Plugins/ Extensions etc.